On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 20:04 +0100, Farran Lee wrote:
> hi everyone
> just wondered if you would be able to help me out a bit. I've promised
> to help a friend with her new ubuntu machine, but her family use dial up
> broadband. I'm revising a lot at the moment because of my GCSEs over the
> next 3 weeks, so I hoped that perhaps a couple of you had a bit more
> spare time than me to look it up?
> Thank you very much.
> Sorry to have to tell you ALL the periphery information, but some people
> find it hard to accept a 16 year old boy in the middle of exams asking
> for help, so I thought I would make it clear why the hell I would ask
> for help on a mailing list intended to help people.
> Again, thank you all.
> -- 
> Farran Lee <fazzy.bab...@ntlworld.com>
> I'm only 16 :P

sorry, an extra bit I forgot to mention - it is a BT DSL modem, using
broadband, but the computer DIALS UP to the connection.

Farran Lee <fazzy.bab...@ntlworld.com>
I'm only 16 :P


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