Rob Beard wrote:
> What I would love (not sure if something is available) is a addon for 
> Firefox so I can save my bookmarks to a central server (ideally my own 
> personal server) and have it shared between my many PCs, at the moment I 
> must have about 5 or 6 different sets of bookmarks.  Being able to 
> access them from anywhere (like I can with my mail) would be handy.

You can put the Firefox profile on a network drive - as long as its file 
system can preserve permissions (so FAT32 won't work) - and have each of 
your FFoxes point to that profile in its profiles.ini.

I don't have an ext3/ext4/nfs network drive at the moment (but I have a 
plan!);  so I just use rsync with the profile on a usb formatted ext3, 
'get' it at the start of a session on one machine, and 'put' it at the 
end, so it's always up to date.  (You can set the rsync commands up as a 
'FF3get' and 'FF3put' in .bash_aliases, for ease of operation.)  This 
works fine for me, till I can get the profile onto a linux network drive.

Of course, once you copy ('get) the profile to a machine, the FF3 on 
that machine is running your last 'backup' of your FF3 profile, and 
doesn't need the USB drive.  You only have to mount the USB and do a 
'put' if there are changes to bookmarks, etc, that you wish to keep and 

Well, it works fine for me.  And I don't have to store my bookmark data 
on someone else's servers for them to data mine.  ;-)



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