doug livesey wrote:
> Hi -- I run Ubuntu dual-boot with OSX on a Mac, and I love it, and hate 
> having to duck out to use OSX for things like iTunes, etc.
> So would it be possible for me to run the OSX partition from inside 
> VirtualBox, or something like that?
> I've had a bit of a google, and not come up with much, so I thought I'd 
> ask the assembled Ubuntu gurus.

Hello, Doug.

No, you have to create a virtual filesystem for the gust OS. Some people 
have created a virtual filesystem for running a pre-installed Windows XP 
under Virtualbox, using the copy of Windows already installed on their 
hard disk, but you can't actually use the hard disk - You have to copy 
it to a virtual disk on the host OS that is accessible to the guest OS.

Virtual box is pretty good BTW, and I recommend giving it a try!

I use it to run M$ Word, so I can edit the M$ formatted documents 
EXACTLY the way our admin want them :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(


Dr. A.J.Travis, University of Aberdeen, Rowett Institute of Nutrition
and Health, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK
tel +44(0)1224 712751, fax +44(0)1224 716687,,


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