mac wrote:
> Rowan wrote:
>> Dear all: is anyone aware of an MP3 player for Ubuntu which will
>> play MP3 audio files directly from Ubuntu's own files, without the
>> necessity of compiling its own library first?
>You can simply play any old MP3 file with Totem, Rhythmbox, VLC media player 
>or whatever: navigate to the file, right click on it, and choose from 'Open 
>With'. But you can also have Rhythmbox or Songbird, or Banshee, etc, manage 
>your music library.  And to do that, the software has to create and maintain a 
>database (sometimes called a 'library') of the music, which it does by 
>scanning your music folders and adding the music to its database ('compiling' 
>a database in the ordinary sense of the word, rather than the technical 
>computing usage). As far as I know, any application that manages your music 
>library in this way is going to have to create and maintain a database of some 
>kind, even if it does it in the background.

-- So, in fact, all these players will open and play MP3 files, or whole MP3 
folders (i.e. albums), straight from the Nautilus file browser, if you 
right-click and select that -- even if you prevent them from 'populating' their 
own 'libraries' altogether? You can certainly do this with Winamp in Windows -- 
I never let it 'populate' its own 'library', but it worked fine straight from 
the Windows Explorer file browser.  


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