To be honest, the quickest way to access networked data between linux
boxes is to ensure ssh is enabled, and to open nautilus - in the
address bar type


You'll then be asked to log on with credentials on the remote machine
(assuming you don't use key-based authentication)...

Samba is really designed for interoperability between Windows and *nix
boxes...there are several methods of sharing files natively though.
You might also want to read up on NFS

Hope this helps

On 11/07/2009, David King <> wrote:
> I do have another problem, with the network.
> I have put my Asus EeePC running Xandros on the network, and I want to
> connect to it from my Ubuntu PC and vice versa.
> I have installed samba on Ubuntu, plus gadmin-samba, and Firestarter.
> I have tried to set up the file sharing so that the Asus can access my
> home directory, and so that Ubuntu can access the Asus home directory.
> But when trying to access Asus from Ubuntu, it asks for a username,
> domain and password. But when I entered the Asus username, the PC name,
> and the password, it would not connect. Error message: "Unable to mount
> location. Failed to mount Windows share."
> And from the Asus, when I try to connect to the Ubuntu PC, I get an
> error saying "No route to host".
> I have used networking successfully in the past. It was not difficult at
> all in Windows XP, 2000 and 98 (although I found it to be impossible in
> Windows ME).
> I then started using Xandros, and networking with that was very easy. I
> have also networked PCs running other Linux distros, but when it comes
> to Ubuntu, I just cannot get it to work. I have tried in 7.10, 8.04 and
> now 9.04 -- I always get no access to other PCs on the network from
> Ubuntu, and no access to Ubuntu from other PCs. However, I can access my
> NAS okay from Ubuntu (as mentioned earlier, below).
> So why is networking in Ubuntu so very difficult to set up? What is the
> magic thing I need to enter to make it work? Other distros make it much
> easier. Ubuntu did not even have Samba installed by default, so I fear I
> may still need to install another piece of software to make it all work.
> Firestarter is set up to allow incoming traffic to all using Samba, and
> I specified the network by IP ( and by name.
> And when I try to access the Ubuntu network share via Network in
> Nautilus, which I should be able to do as it is the PC I am accessing it
> from, I get an error saying "Unable to mount location. Failed to
> retrieve share list from server."
> So how do I get networking/filesharing working in Ubuntu?
> David King
> David King wrote:
>> Thanks, Matthew, that worked perfectly. I have saved it in a script so
>> that I can mount the NAS from the CLI when I need to use it, and have
>> full read-write access.
>> David King
>> Matthew Daubney wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You need to tell the mount line to override the uid and gid of the
>>> files. This can be done with the options switch on the mount line like:
>>> sudo mount -t cifs '// 1' /media/nas1 -o
>>> uid=1000,gid=1000
>>> You'll need to look up the id for your user and your group, you can find
>>> that info in /etc/group, which will look like "yourgroupname:x:gid:" and
>>> in /etc/passwd.
>>> If you're the first user they'll probab;y both be 1000.
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> -Matt Daubney
> --

Sent from my mobile device


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