Hi John,
ssh is a secure way of communicating with a remote server. At the most 
basic level it is like having a terminal session on the remote computer, 
you can use commands such as "cd" to change directory, "ls" to view the 
contents of your current directory (same as "dir" in dos) "pwd" to print 
your current working directory location. "nano index.html" to edit the 
file called index.html in the current directory.
You can also pass other things over the secure tunnel. If you use "sftp 
j...@remote.host.com" instead of "ssh j...@remote.host.com" then you get 
a secure ftp-like session where you can put and get files to and from 
the server. You can also do this graphically in Ubuntu by going to the 
places menu then connect to server and select ssh from the dropdown. Put 
in your details then you will be able to browse the remote server over 
the ssh session and do pretty much anything on it as if it were local.


John Matthews wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am so sorry to ask this, but I was wondering if somebody would be 
> willing to give me some help with ssh and commands for running a website 
> via a terminal.
> I have been trying to learn from the websites, but I am not finding it 
> easy. If somebody could just start by showing me some basic commands, to 
> start off with, just so I can start, I would really appreciate it.
> Thank you
> John.


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