Hi Alan,

Yay, that has helped immensely, I have managed to get into the server 
and can see all the files using sftp. Brilliant. Its really helped 
because I have just noticed why something isnt working.

Amazing, agian you all have been really helpful. I hope I can ask more 

@Sean.....I have added you to my AIM, hope that is ok.


Alan Bell wrote:
> Hi John,
> ssh is a secure way of communicating with a remote server. At the most 
> basic level it is like having a terminal session on the remote computer, 
> you can use commands such as "cd" to change directory, "ls" to view the 
> contents of your current directory (same as "dir" in dos) "pwd" to print 
> your current working directory location. "nano index.html" to edit the 
> file called index.html in the current directory.
> You can also pass other things over the secure tunnel. If you use "sftp 
> j...@remote.host.com" instead of "ssh j...@remote.host.com" then you get 
> a secure ftp-like session where you can put and get files to and from 
> the server. You can also do this graphically in Ubuntu by going to the 
> places menu then connect to server and select ssh from the dropdown. Put 
> in your details then you will be able to browse the remote server over 
> the ssh session and do pretty much anything on it as if it were local.
> Alan.
> John Matthews wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I am so sorry to ask this, but I was wondering if somebody would be 
>> willing to give me some help with ssh and commands for running a website 
>> via a terminal.
>> I have been trying to learn from the websites, but I am not finding it 
>> easy. If somebody could just start by showing me some basic commands, to 
>> start off with, just so I can start, I would really appreciate it.
>> Thank you
>> John.


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