I have messed it up now. I managed to update it to 7.10, using this guide:

...which worked fine, however the next update I did crashed half way through. The computer will still boot but gives an error message after logging in saying 'unable to initialize HAL' and it will not connect to the internet. I made a bootable USB using unetbootin to try and just install 9.0.4 over the top, but it crashes saying 'kernel panic'. Is there any way I can fix the computer? Or should I send it back to Viglen?


Tony Harrison wrote:
Worked thanks.

Rob Beard wrote:
Tony Harrison wrote:
Hello, I have just received a Viglen MPC-L. When I try to update the packages it has a lot of 404 not found errors then stops. I have found out that this is because 7.04 is not supported any more so the repositories have gone. But I could not find out what I need to do to update it now. Does anyone know?

Doing a quick Google search came up with this...


Looks like the repositories have moved. It looks like if you update the sources.list then you should hopefully be able to then update to a newer version (such as 8.04 LTS).



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