
I have MPD setup to output to icecast, entry in mpd.conf:

audio_output {
        type                    "shout"
        name                    "MPD stream"
        host                    "hostname"
        port                    "8000"
        mount                   "/low.ogg"
        password                "whatever"
        quality                 "3.0"
        format                  "96000:16:1"
        user                    "source"                
        public                  "yes"

I can connect and listen to the icecast stream, only problem is that the
player stops playing when MPD changes songs, and I have to click play
again, at first I thought it was a player problem, but I tried it with
totem, the firefox 3.5 ogg player, and windows media player. With the
same result, except totem gives an error dialog: 'Internal data flow

mpd error log doesn't contain any errors at song change, nor does
icecast, it just has the following info at the time the song changes:

[2009-07-27  18:15:31] INFO format-vorbis/initial_vorbis_page seen
initial vorbis header
[2009-07-27  18:15:32] INFO format-vorbis/initial_vorbis_page seen
initial vorbis header

Which doesn't look like an problem to me. Any ideas what the problem
could be? or how I should go about figuring it out!

Best Regards,

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