Hi folks,

About a month ago I got a Nokia e63 phone on a Three contract.  As part 
of the contract I get 1GB of internet allowance which works great on the 

However what I'm trying to do is connect to the Internet via the phone 
using a Bluetooth connection (I've yet to get a USB cable).

I've managed to get the phone talking to my notebook (well as far as I 
can browse the phone contents and memory card using bluetooth-browse).

The next step though is to work out how to get the phone to dial (or 
whatever it needs to do).  I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and I see that there 
isn't an option for dialup anymore.  I wondered if it might be as easy 
as just telling Ubuntu that I have a mobile broadband connection on 
Three but that doesn't seem to work.

I have found a couple of guides that talk about Bluez-utils and using 
wvdial or ppp to connect [1] & [2] and also this about connecting to 
Three using a Huewai E220 modem [3] but none of these seem to work.

I just wondered if anyone may have got a Nokia mobile working via 
Bluetooth to connect to the Internet?



[3] http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/824630.html


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