2009/10/14 Jon Spriggs <j...@spriggs.org.uk>:
> Hash: SHA1
> 2009/10/13 Lucy :
>> 2009/10/13 Jon Spriggs :
>>> I'll be at Deansgate Docks tonight for Geekup Manchester, so I can
>>> call in to both Pitcher&Piano and Revolution - there are other venues
>>> along there as well - but I'd like to check what exactly is it we're
>>> after? Power + Wifi? Enough room for 60-80 people? Something more? Is
>>> there a price we can work to (as in, do we need it for free, or should
>>> we look at asking a small fee for entering?)
>> Thanks very much Jon.
>> Power and wifi would be very good. I know both venues have a big
>> screen, which would be nice but not essential. I'm a little concerned
>> about noise levels but I guess we can't do much about that. I think we
>> should aim for Friday 30th October, since, as others have pointed out,
>> the Saturday is Halloween and is likely to cause some problems with
>> people.
> Due to scheduling issues last night at Revolution, we re-located to
> Pitcher and Piano. We were so warmly received there that we've decided
> to relocate GeekUp to the Pitcher and Piano for the foreseeable
> future!

Great news!

> The 30th is available and free to use, although a DJ will be "in
> residence" from 10pm - I don't know whether that will be an issue?
> They'll mark off the "Snug" area at the back, plus all the rest of the
> area under the balcony for the event if we're expecting 80 odd people.
> The wifi works well, but somewhat annoyingly, doesn't all the download
> of ISO images, MP3s or OGGs. That said, SSH does work, and if someone
> has the foresight to download all the available ISOs from a mirror to
> bring with them on the day... it shouldn't be an issue - the wifi
> would then just be used for social media sites, IRC and the like.

Downloading ISOs on the day over wifi is always going to have issues.
Last time we had plenty of people bring CDs to the event. Must
remember the 64-bit Desktop ISOs next time though!

I don't think the DJ will be a problem as they are starting quite late.

> As the date is free, I've asked them to pencil in the release, using
> my name as a contact. That said, there may be an issue with me
> attending, as my wife may potentially have already booked us into a
> hotel for the weekend! Trust me not to have shared my calendar with
> her! D'oh!

Thanks very much :)

Shared calendars are always useful.

> The manager's name is Hannah, and the general manager's name is Sion.
> Their phone number is 0161 839 6117. With the exception of Revolution,
> none of the other bars along there seem to have Wifi, so unless anyone
> finds somewhere better or more appropriate between now and then, I'd
> use the Pitcher and Piano for the Karmic release party.

I suggest that we go with the Pitcher and Piano, and start planning
publicity and things. Unless anyone has any objections?

Jon, do you happen to know what their policy is on under-18s?


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