2009/10/15 Gordon Allott <gord.all...@canonical.com>:
> On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 15:56 +0100, Lucy wrote:
>> It would be really nice to have some posters and some buttons to put
>> on blogs to publicise the event. Can someone volunteer to come up with
>> something?
> I took the jaunty poster and modified it for karmic:
> http://showsite-media.gordallott.com/stuff/karmicreleaseparty.pdf
> its just half an hour of me sitting infront of a tv with a laptop but I
> think its not too bad :) I just put down 6pm as the time but obviously
> that can be changed easily
> anyone have any thoughts?

That looks brilliant. Thank you! I think 6pm is fine for the time.

The text looks slightly pixelated but that might just be my computer.

Do you have the source? It might be nice to make a button for people's blogs..


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