On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 12:04:38 -0000, Tony Pursell  
<a...@princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> On 17 Jan 2010 at 10:02, alan c wrote:
>> Apart from ignorance, even sheer prejudice, there is strong inertia to
>> continue with their existing OS whatever it is.
>> There is, surprising to me, little motivation for many people I know,
>> to move from Windows. However, as Ubuntu gains more coverage,
>> including magazines on shelves, people will become aware it is a choice.
> This is just the way things are - for most people, computers are MS
> Windows.  They always have been, and always will be.  (And guess
> what? Even I still use XP as my main OS on my desktop computer
> because it still does things that Ubuntu cannot do.)
> I'm sure that whatever we do in the way of Ubuntu training must be
> targetted at people who already have Ubuntu (or at least a need for
> Ubuntu).  We cannot think that these training sessions are aimed at
> converting people.  Conversion is a marketing job.  Training can only
> be aimed at people who are already converts, or who are the rare few
> who cannot have MS Windows.
> If we are to get past 'gatekeepers' who are died in the wool MS users,
> then we will need a really cast iron reason to teach Ubuntu to people.
> Something more than its just good for people to know that there is
> another OS other that MS.
> Tony
Beat me to it.  I know from talking to people in the pub that a awful lot  
of people have no interest in another operating system.  Their computer  
comes with one and that’s what they’re going to use.  As you say training  
will probably have to be aimed at existing Ubuntu users.  The problem then  
is; are they Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu users.
I have, in the past, done quite a bit of training at all levels and hands  
on for the vast majority is the way to go.  People generally don’t like  
lectures, they prefer to do something.  The one problem with courses aimed  
at people that already use computers is knowing what level to start at and  
how fast to go with out causing frustration for everybody.  I found it  
best to have one 'Teacher' and an assistant for every 3-4 people.

I’d be happy to help as I rather like doing this sort of thing.



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