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Rob Beard wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was lucky enough to attend the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) at the
>> end of last year. Probably the most inspiring of the lightning talks
>> was one called Ubuntu Hour by Fabián Rodríguez. In it Fabián discussed
>> the problems of organising major events with venues and other
>> facilities, and diluted down a meeting to one hour. He explained the
>> incredibly simple premice of Ubuntu Hour.
>> It is based on announcing your intention to be somewhere public at a
>> specified time and date for one hour only. No presentations planned,
>> no marketing, just a brief announcement of intent to be somewhere.
>> People are then invited to turn up and do whatever comes to mind for
>> the hour. This could be advocacy, informal ad-hoc training, fixing a
>> broken system, really whatever the attendees need at the time. It
>> could happen weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on the need in the
>> local area.
>> What also got me thinking about this was a recent bug report filed
>> against the Ubuntu Community (yes, the community has a bug tracker :)
>> ).
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/392986
>> In it Randall Ross explains how he thinks that perhaps LoCos aren't
>> "LoCo" enough. There are plenty of people around the UK who run
>> Ubuntu, and probably don't know about other people in their region.
>> The Ubuntu Hour would be an ideal way to get mini-locos going. If
>> you're interested in getting together with people in your area, this
>> seems like an ideal initiative to do it. We can discuss what we're
>> doing on the list, and figure out the best way to promote and run
>> them. Remember they're designed to be informal, what works for an
>> Ubuntu Hour in one town/county may not work for someone else. Lets be
>> flexible.
>> We have a wiki page listing Ubuntu Hours around the world, and I
>> wanted to encourage people to consider scheduling an hour to be
>> somewhere and let the community know. I'd love to start hearing about
>> Ubuntu Hours around the UK.
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour
>> Here's a report of a previous Ubuntu Hour in the USA.
>> http://www.ubuntu-user.com/layout/set/print/content/view/full/654
>> Cheers,
>> Al.
> That sounds like a great idea, I bet something like that could work at 
> LUG meetings, or in our case down in Torbay, possibly at one of 
> Paignton's new venues which will hopefully in the next couple of months 

They would like this sorted ASAP, so by Feb if possible, From talking to
tyrone the sooner the better.  As it will be a source of income for them
which at present is lacking, the cafe will bring people in for a start.

I can't help on the server side, i don't know anything about servers,
apart from they are bigger and more powerful than desktops so they can
do more stuff and provide different services to the internal / external

> get an Ubuntu based internet cafe.  I dare say having an Ubuntu hour 
> there would be good as not everyone going to the venue in Paignton would 
> be there as part of the LUG so it might be possible to spread the word 
> to others.
Plus they are already ubuntu orientated.

> Rob

- --
Paul Sutton

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