Liam, you have a good point there. If this is going to work, IMHO it needs
to work on the free and open nature of the software itself. A concept for
making people watch this and not spending a penny is that people will need
to _want_ to see this video, how can we get it number one on youtube? Make
it funny.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Liam Wilson <> wrote:

> If this is actually going to happen, we need to start thinking of ways how
> we can get this video shown to people, whether it be televised, or viral. If
> we're going to put our own money or anyone else's money and time into this
> we need to make sure that it isn't a waste of it, agreed?
> On 31 January 2010 15:23, CShadowRun <> wrote:
>> Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
>> > On 31 January 2010 14:58, Steve <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:50:58 -0000, CShadowRun <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> I don't think shots of IRC or the forum would be that good, there's
>> alot
>> >>> of negative stigma around "Chat rooms" and "Online forums"
>> unfortunately
>> >>> :(
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >> Yes 'Chat Room' = paedophile luring young girls away in the minds of a
>> lot
>> >> of people.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >>
>> >
>> > Then they need to be educated.
>> >
>> > But seriously, who are these adverts aimed at? If it's a Generally
>> > Ignorant User/Mum, then forget it. They won't know what an OS is let
>> > alone how to download, burn a CD, install etc. etc. If it's a
>> > teen/young adult then there won't be a problem - they use Facebook/IM
>> > *all the time*.
>> >
>> > Oh, the other problem is the name of Lynx. It already has
>> > product/brand association in the UK. We would have to stay well away
>> > from it. Ubuntu is OK as a brand (though it's mostly unknown), but
>> > 10.04 is weak as water soup. Ten-oh-four? Ten-point-zero-four? What
>> > does that mean? (Even Lucid Lynx sounds as geeky as it comes).
>> >
>> > If anything you have to associate with a known brand - like Linux.
>> > Ubuntu Linux. We are Linux? Who else uses Linux? Is it strong enough?
>> >
>> > "Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'Humanity to others', or 'I am what
>> > I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu distribution brings the
>> > spirit of Ubuntu to the software world."
>> >
>> > We are Ubuntu?
>> >
>> > So how about a user of another OS sat struggling with their machine by
>> > themselves, whereas our Ubuntu user looks up and asks the next room
>> > for help and a random profession walks in and helps (points at the
>> > screen and says "Oh, it's just here"), e.g. scientist followed by
>> > artist etc. etc. They all grab a drink and snack and the kitchen is
>> > full of a diverse range of people. Ubuntu is a Party!
>> >
>> > Next door other user with ear pressed against wall, walks round to
>> > flat, "Guys, could I join in?" (in unison) "Sure!"
>> >
>> > What is Ubuntu?
>> > Ubuntu is... help.
>> > Ubuntu is... secure.
>> > Ubuntu is... us.
>> >
>> > /end random brainstorm.
>> >
>> >
>> This is a really cool idea. It could be bolted onto the email idea
>> previously. Someone sends an email, and then all the professionals start
>> turning up. Hehe.
>> --
> --

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