Yeah, looking at the perspective you've put it at Alan, I guess you're

You mentioned spending the time/money on other things, but what like?
And If we WERE to create a TV adverrt for Ubuntu, no doubt there is interest
in doing so, do you think it's a bit ambitious trying to aim for the release
of Lucid, or do you think would it be a better option to aim for MM or even
beyond? Personally, I think that Lucid would be a good goal to aim for, as
it's 3 months away, and there's less chance of loss of interest in 3 months
than 6 - but that's just my opinion, obviously, you've had experience
working with projects before, such as the UUPC, and I haven't.

If I'm honest, I wasn't aware we had tools like a collaborative editor, so
thanks for pointing that one out.

How would you suggest we start this project then, if we're actually
determined to see it through?



On 31 January 2010 23:32, Alan Pope <> wrote:

> On 31 January 2010 23:13, Liam Wilson <> wrote:
> > IF we are going to make this video, ideally, it would be better to think
> > about actual content first.
> I disagree. The very first thing is to look at what the goal is. Only
> once you know the goal, target audience, approach, method of delivery
> and so on can you begin to look at content. I'm personally of the
> opinion that now is not the time to create a TV advert, and that the
> money/time could be better spent on other things, but its not my place
> to tell people what to do.
> > Somewhere to host the project - Ideally a blog or website
> > A paypal account, so viewers can donate funds to the cause
> > Somewhere to talk about it.
> >
> We have considerable resources to help this kind of marketing effort
> already. We have a wiki and a collaborative editor:-
> We have a marketing mailing list and irc channel:-
> #ubuntu-marketing<>on
> We also have sites where content can be shared:-
> > Such as an IRC channel/mailing list/forum, just so it's not just
> restricted
> > to Ubuntu-uk, and also so any skeptics or people who don't want to
> > participate don't get annoyed by the sheer volume of threads about the
> > advert (which is what seems to be happening at the moment)
> >
> If it is an Ubuntu UK LoCo project then I'd encourage you to use the
> resources available - including this list.
> > The more the merrier.
> Not always true. "Too many cooks".
> > Perhaps we could get in touch the with folks at
> > ubuntu-marketing, to see if they can offer any expertise.
> >
> I'd certainly advice introducing the idea to the Ubuntu Community
> Marketing people (linked above).
> > So if we want to advertise Ubuntu, I think these are the main goals that
> we
> > need to achieve. If anyone has any other ideas as to what we need to
> > achieve, this is the place for that. First off, I think it would be a
> good
> > idea to have someplace we can host what we're doing, i.e; the project
> > outlines and goals and suchforth. Would the Ubuntu wiki (maybe even the
> > ubuntu-uk one) be a good place for this?
> >
> See above links to existing resources.
> > I've made us a Wiki site on google sites, which can be found here:
> >
> > It's only the very basic template as of typing, I'll work more on it
> > tomorrow.
> >
> Again I'd recommend using the sites and resources we have, and
> collaborate with existing marketing efforts rather than potentially
> duplicating effort.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> --

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