I didnt mean any hostilities either, it was a genuine question. Its did seem strange to me that something like this bill is not discussed on a newsgroup like this. Nothing has been brought forward about it at all. I am not really sure why its turned into a flame.

Sad really,


On 12/04/10 16:06, Tommy Pyatt wrote:
Apologies Alan, I did not mean any hostility in my response to your email, which was a fair and reasonable comment. I just wanted to point out that I have no problems with Paula's original email, as I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Since I see you are using gmail, assuming that you are accessing your mail through the standard interface, there is a function to 'Mute' conversations if you prefer to be excluded from responses to the thread. I use the function frequently with mailing lists. You may already know about it, just pointing it out.



(PS - '#8 - If this is your first night at ubuntu-uk, you have to install.' i like that one, made me chuckle.)

On 12 April 2010 15:49, Alan Lord (News) <alansli...@gmail.com <mailto:alansli...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 12/04/10 15:13, John Matthews wrote:
    > I have to admit, I wondered why such a subject should be so
    taboo. It
    > affects us a lot more than we really would like to admit.
    > I would genuinely like to know why it should have such a negative
    > response from somebody like Alan, and why it is discouraged.

    Blimey - It wasn't intended to be "such a negative response". That is
    why I phrased my message the way I did.

    I have heard and read a great deal about the debill over the past few
    months, have written to my MP on several occasions and am a
    interested individual with my own opinions. I didn't however,
    think that
    the Ubuntu UK mailing list was the most appropriate forum for
    more general politics - which is what this thread had morphed into.

    Clearly I was wrong. ;-)


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