It really means that Dell aren't willing to support Linux on their hardware,
which suggests that their experiment of the last two or three years might
have come to an end

On 22 May 2010 12:50, "Nigel Verity" <> wrote:


Re: Dianne Reuby's news that Dell say the use of any OS other than Windows
will invalidate the hardware guarantee.

While this might be Dell's opening gambit, I can't see they would pursue it
all the way to court. The cost of demonstrating that a particular feature of
an OS puts an inordinate strain on the hardware would be very high, and
would have to be re-run for practically every case. If they really thought
they could get away with it they would also be prohibiting the use of
certain Windows software too. For example, a lot of games are very CPU
intensive, which must generate a lot of heat and, therefore, a heavy load on
the PC components.

Apart from anything else, what message does it send to potential customers
if the company states that its hardware may not be up to certain jobs?




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