On Sun, 2010-05-23 at 02:06 +0100, Mary Mooney <memoo...@gmail.com>
> Why don't you call LE?

In fact, I did email them. I have another query for them, about the way
they have configured the Lenovo N500: While I was using Gparted to
format the external hard disk, I noticed a block of memory on the
internal hard disk that appears not to be in use, the same size as the
boot volume, 22.5GB. So I emailed them to ask what this was. However,
even if it turns out to be genuine idle space that I could bring into
use, merging it with the volume that is configured for user files (now
about two-thirds full), as opposed to merging it with the volume
configured for operating system use, might be difficult. 


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