On 10/06/10 20:50, Alan Bell wrote:
> One interesting effect of the group support vs one on one support is
> that with group support if there is some weird problem that nobody
> understands (which may be down to the way it is described) then you get
> silence as a response, rather than "I haven't got the foggiest idea what
> is going on" which you might get with individual support. You can
> respond to silence by adding information such as things you have tried
> but didn't work. You also get people dipping in to the conversation, I
> for example have no recollection of what you were talking about several
> weeks ago. Sounds like you have some kind of issue booting though. Does
> a live CD work? could you reinstall? maybe install again as a dual boot?
> Is there any suspicious hardware involved? (unplug everything that you
> possibly can with it still able to boot)
> Alan.

Hi Alan,

thank you for your response. You see, the way it should be looked at 
isnt just not replaying at all, it should be somebody saying what the 
hell you are talking about, at least then, it doesnt look like you are 
being ignored.

I cant exactly remember myself now, but I think it was after an update, 
and things wouldnt boot up, it got to me signing in and then nothing. It 
worked after about 4 attempts and logging into a really early kernal, 
but I coudnt get into the rescue bit, it froze. I ended up upgrading 
again from that early kernal, and it seemed to work ok. I can boot now, 
and after the partial upgrade of this week, its cleaned up my grub, but 
even that has not fixed the rescue bit. I try to get into it, and it 
just freezes and all I can do is use the button on the front of the pc 
to get things back up and running.


Ubuntu User #30817


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