On 12 July 2010 21:12, LeeGroups <mailgro...@varga.co.uk> wrote:
> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
>  From my tinkerings, this should find the string </solar> in the string
> $solar_info, and then remove it and any number of following characters
> (the .*) and then replace them with a ",".
> Except that it doesn't. It hacks out the </solar> and replaces it with a
> , but leaves the rest of the string intact... Much to my annoyance... :|
> Any clues?

What's the input string? The following code simply prints "," for me
not ",abcdef" as you suggest it would:
$test = "</solar>abcdef";
$test =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
print $test;

p.s. I don't know perl but I thought I'd have a play anyway


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