On 12 July 2010 21:12, LeeGroups <mailgro...@varga.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm having a bit of an issue with a Perl script on my Ubuntu server at
> home (can you see what I did there :)...
> The line in question is this...
> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
>  From my tinkerings, this should find the string </solar> in the string
> $solar_info, and then remove it and any number of following characters
> (the .*) and then replace them with a ",".
> Except that it doesn't. It hacks out the </solar> and replaces it with a
> , but leaves the rest of the string intact... Much to my annoyance... :|
> Any clues?

Is there a setting for perl reg exps to tell it whether to use the
shortest string that matches or the longest that matches?  Possibly
you have that set to the shortest so the match is satisfied without
including all the trailing chars.



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