After using 8.04 again for a couple of days and still not finding a good 
solution my problem in 9.04, I decided to boot into 9.04 again and see 
if it might work.

Bizarrely, it is now working normally again with full internet access in 


David King wrote:
> In my Ubuntu 9.04 installation, just a few days ago, I lost my usage of 
> the internet. I still had internet access. Firstly though, there was a 
> problem with the router, so I tried a friend's router (both Netgear 
> DG834) and the friend's one worked.
> But in Ubuntu, I could not access any web pages or email. Skype works.
> I tried using my netbook and that could access web pages okay.
> So then I booted my main PC into the old installation that I kept there 
> of Ubuntu 8.04, which I am using now. And in this the internet works 
> just fine, I can access websites and download and send email.
> But in Ubuntu 9.04, it seems like something is blocking my access. I do 
> not recall installing anything new, although something may have been 
> updated recently.
> What is the likely cause of the Internet being blocked for websites and 
> email (but not Skype)?
> David King


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