On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 23:18:52 +0100
Jim Price wrote:

> On 27/07/10 21:33, Grant Sewell wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:14:05 +0100
> > Jim Price wrote:
> >> It's all going to help at some point I suspect.
> >
> > You could go down the Google Apps route - mail, document space with
> > the ability to share between users (and have them work on the
> > document simultaneously, which takes a bit of getting used to).
> > There are plenty of CRM and ERP systems that integrate with the
> > Google Apps "single sign-on" way of things.  Since you can enable
> > IMAP/SMTP support relatively easily, you don't have to use the
> > GMail interface for mail - you can use whatever client you want, so
> > having Ubuntu on the desktop would be relatively easy.
> There's a lot to like about Google Apps, but it might not match up
> with my perceived need to avoid lock-in wherever possible. I think
> their pricing is a little like the timeshare model, where they are
> pitching it against how you could do it with other proprietary models
> rather than how much it costs them to do it plus a reasonable profit.
> I will continue to keep my eye on it though, and use gmail for
> personal use of course.

That's why I like the "Standard" edition.  Free for up-to 50 user
accounts.  Some things don't get rolled-out to "Standard" domains, but
frequently these are things that aren't going to make a *huge*
impact... and they seem to get rolled-out to the "Standard" domains
after a while anyway.



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