On 09/08/10 11:29, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 12:00 +0100,Simos Xenitellis
> <simos.li...@googlemail.com>  wrote:
>>  On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Rowan Berkeley
>>  <rowan.berke...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>  >  Hi, people. Two more gremlins today: sound card vanished, i.e. not
>>  >  just no sound, but 'internal audio' not found in audio hardware; and
>>  >  'shut down' vanished from main user menu. Did a hard shut down using
>>  >  the power button, restarted, everything back to normal. This is
>>  >  undoubtedly hardware, isn't it - and the machine just one month out
>>  >  of guarantee...
>>  The typical thing for sound is to run the alsa-info.sh utility that
>>  grabs all the hardward info of your sound card and helps in figuring
>>  out what went wrong.To do this, run
>>  wget www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh&&  bash
>>  alsa-info.sh
>>  You will be prompted to send the report to www.alsa-project.org;
>>  answer Yes and write down the URL given. Finally, post the URL here in
>>  the reply so we can help. In addition to this, you should be somewhat
>>  wary when people ask you to run command on your computer. The command
>>  I mention above is referenced in
>>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and the website
>>  I mention is the official Alsa website (http://www.alsa-project.org).
>>  Normally you do not get anymore a 'Shutdown' menu option under the
>>  System menu, since the Indicator Applet has the Shutdown
>>  functionality. Which version of Ubuntu do you use? There is a
>>  difference in the shutdown button between 10.04 and previous versions.
>>  Simos
> That's a very helpful reply, Simos, thank you. I thought there was an
> outside chance that I did not have a hardware problem, and it would be a
> relief if this turned out to be the case. The URL for the alsa report is
> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a625eb47fb7ce3264dd9405755d19a94a416fa20
> I see what you mean about the indicator applet having a shutdown
> feature; I had removed this applet on installing 10.04, assuming I would
> still have shutdown on the main menu, and for a few days, I did have.
> :-)
> Rowan

I am a bit surprised that you seem to be having problems with the 
N500, and a bit uneasy too. I have friends with a couple of these 
laptops and they are currently running Ubuntu 9.04. I will be 
expecting to upgrade to 10.04 LTS in the next few months.

Is anyone aware of others using 10.04 on this machine ok?
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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