Hi All,

The Beta of Maverick Meerkat (what will be Ubuntu 10.10) is now out,
so it's a good time to test the ISOs and find as many bugs as possible
before the final release.

Popey wrote some details about what's involved, and I've included his
mail below in case you've deleted it.

P.S. Yes, I know it's a top-post. It was done intentionally this time :-)
On 2 June 2010 14:58, Alan Pope <a...@popey.com> wrote:
> Hi All.
> (Note I have sent this to Ubuntu UK LoCo mailing list and bcc'ed all
> the people who volunteered to help, apologies if you get this twice,
> this was intentional, but won't happen again)
> I mentioned a while ago that it might be nice to kick off a UK LoCo
> Team for doing some essential testing of Ubuntu ISO images. I've taken
> the lead from the Italian LoCo who have been doing this for the last 6
> months or so very successfully. I figured it was a great way to get
> people contributing to the project without much in the way of deep
> technical skills.
> [snip]
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TestingTeam - Main introduction page.
> Read this first.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TestingTeam#Participate - Specifically
> this bit if you're interested in helping out with this activity.
> The idea being that people go through the 'Participate' section and
> get themselves familiar with the process, and fulfil all the
> pre-requisites therein. Most are easy and you may already have done
> such as 'Register on launchpad', others you might not have done.
> There's some reading material in there too.
> I've created a team on launchpad:-
> http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-uk-testing
> However, it's a moderated team and the policy for joining is that
> you've performed the steps outlined in the 'Participate' steps above.
> This enables us to ensure a level of quality control within the team.
> Join once you've gone through the participate steps. Note that the
> final step on the Participate is to actually download an ISO image and
> perform a QA test. So this ensures that anyone who joins the team has
> fulfilled all the necessary requirements. It might look onerous but it
> really isn't.
> Please join the team once you're ready.
> There is an IRC channel for testing which is #ubuntu-testing - NOTE:
> not the UK loco channel, but the testing team IRC channel. I checked
> with the testing team at UDS and they'd rather we had committed
> testers hang out in their channel (as well as ours) and testing
> related conversations happen there. So you're welcome to hang out in
> there, or join as and when you're doing testing.
> One thing we might want to consider in the future is sharing mobile
> phone numbers (for the willing) as the testing team sometimes need
> test performed in double-quick time. If they can get hold of people
> quickly they can expedite those tests. For now though, for non-urgent
> stuff we can use IRC and this mailing list.
> Maverick (10.10) Alpha 1 ISOs are (just about) ready and waiting to be tested!
> I'm just as new to this as many of you, so we're going on a bit of an
> adventure together. Questions / comments / suggestions very welcome!
> Cheers,
> Al.


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