I'm interested to see if canonical have developed the global menu project
any further. I know that chromium should not require it due to the wrench
menu but there was numerous other programs and bugs that were incompatible
with it. That is, if they are using the gnome2-globalmenu project.

- Craig

On 9 Sep 2010, at 23:28, John Stevenson <j...@jr0cket.com> wrote:

On 9 September 2010 21:26, Daniel Case <danielcas...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Jacob, there is the netbook version:
> http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/
> The netbook version is at the bottom i do believe :)
> Daniel

The netbook live cd is what I have been trying out (alpha 3 version)
directly on my laptop. There has been a lot visible development of the new
Unity desktop when doing package upgrades after the install and it seems
that its all there visually now.  Perhaps a few performance tweeks here and
there needed for alpha 3, but hopefully they have been added by now.

If you have a laptop or prefer a simple, dare I say OSX style, desktop and
launcher then I think you will enjoy the new netbook remix with unity.  Its
a bit like having docky down the left hand side of the screen with some neat
compositing effects for the window manager.

Thank you
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com


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