On 10 Sep 2010, at 00:10, John Stevenson <j...@jr0cket.com> wrote:

On 9 September 2010 23:34, Craig Peden <cpe...@cogigo.com> wrote:

> I'm interested to see if canonical have developed the global menu project
> any further. I know that chromium should not require it due to the wrench
> menu but there was numerous other programs and bugs that were incompatible
> with it. That is, if they are using the gnome2-globalmenu project.
> - Craig

Hello Craig,
All the gnome apps I tried all worked with a global menu, although the
close/minimise buttons did not always place correctly.

The most noticeable apps that were still being worked on in alpha 3 were
Firefox and Open Office.  Will check the beta this weekend to see if there
has been any progress.

Thank you.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com


Thanks for the reply.

I used to use it a lot and I found that some programs (FF and Openoffice)
didn't work with it. Supposedly firefox would have needed a lot of work to
be compatible. I would like to see the global menu after compatibility is
increased in normal ubuntu too. But I guess as I'm also a mac user I am a
bit biased :)

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