I would add that if a bank was to state that they officially support 
Linux, then they may find that a user is using an obscure combination of 
distro and browser that will not work.

Plus, banks tend to put profits way ahead of customer service.


Bruno Girin wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 16:16 +0100, SuperEngineer wrote:
>> A suggestion.... use your feet to vote & move bank to one that does
>> support Ubuntu / Linux... there are plenty.
> I could but I'm not sure that would be very productive.
> First, the problem is with the business banking site so it means I would
> have to change my business's accounts and therefore change all templates
> I have such as invoice templates, etc.
> Then, the problem is quite recent. Their business web site used to work
> fine with Linux, it's only recently that it started not working. So if I
> were to go through all the hassle of changing banks, I would need to
> move to a bank that *officially* supports Linux. Otherwise, I may very
> well find myself in the same situation with another bank in the future.
> Finally, even though there are a lot of banks that have web sites that
> happen to work fine on Linux, I am not aware of any one that does
> officially supports it and that will actually deal with a support
> request any better than my current bank has.
> What I'm interested in is the last bit. Whether their web site happens
> to work on Linux or not is one thing. But as soon as you send a support
> query, you get a canned answer saying they don't officially support it.
> What I'd really want to know is what can we do to change that behaviour?
> Bruno


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