Hello all,
Thanks to everyone that came along to the London Ubuntu release party
yesterday, despite a problem getting into the venue due to a broken lock, it
was a great event and a good turn out with over 35 people upstairs and about
the same again for the 42day party goers downstairs.  It was a full house,
so may need to find a bigger venue next time!!

Special thanks to the Matt Zimmerman <https://launchpad.net/%7Emdz> and the
rest of the release team for doing a great job with the release and still
having the energy to come along to the release party, it was great to meet
and talk to you all and I had some very interesting talks with members of
the design team.

Once I get my energy back from all the talks and conferences I've been to in
the last two weeks I'll do a write up of the event and update the report
page.  I have some (hopefully okay) pictures taken on my phone which I'll
upload to flickr this week too.

Looking forward to the next release party.

Thank you.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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