On 11/10/10 14:49, Barry Drake wrote:
> You should be able to have it mount by putting in fstab:
>> /dev/hdb1    /path/to/mountpoint<filesystem>     defaults    0    0
> Thanks - that works OK!  I now have /dev/sda1 /media/HD3  ntfs  0 0 in
> fstab, and it works just fine with any ntfs drive.  I ought to have
> thought of that instead of using the UUID.  I just wonder why automount
> tries to mount using /dev/sdb1 when it is there all the time
> as /dev/sda1?  Windows doesn't make that mistake - if that is what it
> is.
Hi Barry,

Glad that helps. I would guess that the Automounter is having trouble 
with 2 drives on one IDE channel. It should be /dev/hdb1 (the DVD drive 
should be /dev/hda) You should remember, too, that if you have 2 devices 
working simultaneously on one IDE controller will result in 
significantly degraded performance (essentially, the controller can only 
use one device at a time).

The automounter's really more set up for hot-swappable drives. Another 
solution might be to use IDE=>USB cases, but it sounds like you're 
sorted. Glad so.



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