On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 11:11:03 +0100
Liam Proven wrote:

> What? That's not true! What's with the FUD?
> Mint /is/ still based on Ubuntu and no plans to leave it have been
> announced.
> Mint 9, which the question was about, is Ubuntu 10.04 with a facelift.
> Mint 10, whose beta has currently just entered RC stage, is based on
> Ubuntu 10.10.
> Yes, there is a new, unfinished Mint based on Debian, but it's not
> been announced as the future. The mainline product is still in Ubuntu
> remix.
> Clearly, you don't really know what you're talking about and you
> didn't bother checking your facts before you posted. This is very
> unhelpful regarding one of Ubuntu's most popular and helpful remixes.
> In fact, I'd say it's verging on defamatory. Why?

Oh yeah, I'm really trying to create fear, uncertainty and doubt about
a Linux product.

And you're right - I didn't check the details of the project.  I'm sure
back in early September I remember Mint saying they were going down the
Debian rolling release route.

The original question's resolution really isn't Ubuntu or Mint
specific, and since the post *I* was replying to was regarding the
point of non-Ubuntu posts on an Ubuntu list, I was pointing out that
there really shouldn't be a problem.

Remember that this list is publicly archived.  Your post shows the
Ubuntu community as being argumentative and inflammatory.  My post
shows a slight indiscretion but states that answering such questions
should be acceptable.  I would argue that in the greater scheme of
things, your post will do more harm the the Ubuntu community than mine



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