> My better half wants to communicate with a relative in Canada, who has
> her its easy, "you just click on the Windows Messenger icon on your
> However, given that my better half is looking at a Ubuntu desktop, it
> as easy as suggested.  I know nothing about Instant messaging, but now
> to sort this out.
> Can I assume that she will need a Windows Live account, can she sign
up for
> this from Ubuntu or is Microsoft going to say this isn't Windows go
> I gather from what I have read that Empathy will work with Windows
> once she has an account.
> However, does anyone have any advice that will help me avoid any
> problems, or suggestions of a best approach.

It should just be a matter of registering for a Window Live account
(assuming you haven't already done so), and then using one of the
instant messenger clients available for Ubuntu.  All the clients on
Ubuntu will handle text and emoticons without problem, which sounds like
all your other half requires.   However, the problems start if you
expect to use more advanced features like winks or webcam video.

Personally I use the Emesene client as it's designed to be clone of the
Windows Messenger client.


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