On 12/02/11 12:29, Sean Miller wrote:
On 12 February 2011 12:15, Barry Drake<bdr...@crosswire.org>  wrote:

 Hi .... any of you see 'Click' on BBC news this morning?
 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006m9ry  It gives a brief but very
 positive look at Linux.  It advises trying a live-cd and specifically
 says that Linux is not just for geeks these days.  Great!  That and
 PCPro in one week!

I am not convinced by any of this... I don't think "try a live CD" is
necessarily a way forward, that is something that I'm sure numerous PC
magazines have tried and most have probably ended up in the skip.

Windows users are fully comfortable with downloading anything and everything, although burning iso images perhaps not so. If all they do is burn an iso and boot it, then they are well placed for the coming months or years when they may need to do that in earnest. In the last year I have increasingly noticed that people say they have heard of (Ubuntu) so I do not have to treat the subject like a cold call. Initial awareness is valuable.

The key is to get people to accept Linux as a "legitimate mainstream
operating system", in the way they do with OS-X and Windows.  And, alas, the
only way to do that is to get it in the shops.

Blurred edges and possible confusion is also a potential barrier. Which is why I am more aware lately that Linux is actually a kernel, and the Operating system is justifiably called GNU/Linux
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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