On 04/03/11 09:18, Simon Greenwood wrote:
The samba directory should be owned by root. Everything else looks correct from your ls output. Your shared folders should be owned by you.

In Windows, a machine's user has defacto admin rights. The question that Vista and Windows 7 asks about making changes to your system when you install something is essentially granting you permission to do something to the system.

Ubuntu is a Linux-derived operating system that takes its permissions structure from Unix. On an Ubuntu desktop you are a non-privileged user who has the right to make changes to the system using sudo. When you need to make changes, you are asked to enter your password, which gives you temporary administrator privileges. System level files are owned by the administrator, and generally, you shouldn't have to do anything with them unless you have a problem like this. If you look at them using the file browser, they will appear to be locked. Broadly speaking, the only place that files shouldn't be locked is in your home directory.

Now, to test connectivity between your machines. Make sure that they are connected to your router either by cable or wireless. You will need to know their names. On one machine, open Terminal and type 'ping' and the name of the other machine. You might have to enter <machinename>.local. You should see output like this:

PING machine.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from machine.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.117 ms
64 bytes from machine.local ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.139 ms
64 bytes from machine.local ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.131 ms
64 bytes from machine.local ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.114 ms

If you don't see that, then you have sort out your connectivity.

I need to get some work done now and I really would suggest that if you need to understand the differences between Windows and Ubuntu, that you read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows and the pages linked to it. Again, I'm not trying to fob you off, but I don't think that this list is the place to talk about the basics. In my opinion Ubuntu is the best desktop distribution of Linux but it's not completely a drop-in replacement yet, and you do need to understand a few concepts.


Hi, thank you, I really appreciate the help. Its really frustrating. I tried the ping, I can ping this computer from my netbook but I cant ping from this computer to my netbook. I am convinced its a lock somewhere on this computer.

As far as the link goes, that is something that I have been working from already. Thank you though for helping.


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