On 06/03/11 18:37, bod...@googlemail.com wrote:
It has been said many times, if you don't know what your doing, don't do it.

You can't expect volunteers to wait around all day just incase someone they 
spoke to earlier hits another stumbling block. If you want that sort of 
support, dig deep and pay for it.

Looking back through this thread, you haven't shown any evidence of researching 
the issue to try and resolve it yourself. Your also saying that thanks to 
people trying to help, your now in a worse state - replacing the files you 
deleted with the backups you should have taken will get you back to where you 

Your attitude will not help you get this issue resolved


See, I dont understand how you can say that about volunteers waiting around, they dont wait around. I have never seen one of you wait around since I first started using Ubuntu. I have spent the past 20 years running and volunterring on quite a few different forums, and Ive its without demanding money for what I do. It comes out of my own pocket. Attitude isnt one way either, its two ways, and you arent exactly briming with help and fortitude. ubuntu will never be mainstream, because of attitudes like this. You will always be complaining about how businessses dont trust you, because of attitudes like yours. The saying Ubuntu isnt free, its free to download, is a true saying. Its always the same, somebody is pushy, you say they have attitude. I have spent the past year or so since 9.04 trying to find otu and research, if you must know, and as somebody who is finding really hard to work out what terminolguy itself is used working out how to go about repairing things, is almost impossible. Ubuntu doesnt make things easy. Which is kind of strange really, comnsidering its title. So pelase domt throw that down my throat, you have no idea how much I havbe domne.


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