On 08/06/11 11:00, Jon Reynolds wrote:
  My dad uses Windows and recently it completely crashed and the local
  computer shop said it needed reinstalling. So he lost all his programs.

  He decided he was going to try OpenOffice, which I thought was great. I
  also pointed out Libre office to him.

  But unfortunately the outcome was that OpenOffice didn't do address
  labels the way he was used to and didn't like the way OO did 2-column
  layouts... or something like that so he's going back to MS.

  Think this is kind of typical of a lot of people. They learn how to do
  something one way and simply cannot be bothered to learn a different
  way. his attitude was that he didn't mind going to pay for MS because he
  knew he could just get on with what he wanted to do.

He may be of the generation which was touched by a world war where people, probably including his relatives, fought and died. The motive was 'freedom'. Many (most) wars are associated with 'freedom'. When the problem gets as far as war, it is a tragedy, but I would ask him isn't it worth just a LITTLE effort to preserve the liberty which would otherwise be sold for a purchase price? It is not the same as physically having a chain of enslavement around the leg but if it was 'Freedom' being sold (it IS), exactly what price would that really be worth?

Ubuntu user


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