On 11/06/11 21:06, (:techitone:) wrote:

Windows is a familiar word. It's releases have progressive names, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. They sound cool.
not to me, they sound confused. 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7. That is a complete and utter mess, far from progressive it totally fails to form any kind of coherent progression.

Mac OS X 'sounds' cool. Its big cat release names sound powerful. Lion is soon to be released and is very cheap. This is cool.
Well Oneiric Ocelot is a big cat name, although I suspect "Oneiric" will perplex and befuddle the vocabulary challenged. Anyhow, once released it should in theory be referred to by the release number, e.g. Ubuntu 11.04.



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