On 11 July 2011 03:34, Phill Whiteside <phi...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> hiyas,
> sorry I have not been to active of late, life is a little hectic. but I do
> recall a discussion about the software schools use.
> In america or canada they can
> use http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/edu/index.html which is a pretty
> awesome suite of apps. The only problem being it is not available to UK.
> Well, after much digging, it may well be :)

Hi Phil,

I believe the OU use this suite of applications. The wording from
their website (
http://www3.open.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/course/tu100.htm -> "This
includes some features in the Google Apps for Education package used
to meet some of the learning outcomes." ) suggests it to be true.

-Matt Daubney


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