Hi all,

Bletchley Park are currently raising money [1]. From the page: "The investment will enable the restoration of iconic Codebreaking Huts 1, 3 and 6 and create a world-class visitor centre and exhibition in the currently derelict Block C as soon as £1.7 million in match funding has been raised."

A fund raising page has been created for that purpose by Jason Gorman on JustGiving [2] so you can contribute there or directly on the Bletchley Park web site. Another thought I had was: what about creating a Ubuntu UK fund-raising page for that purpose? Is that a silly idea?



[1] http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/news/docview.rhtm/651072
[2] http://www.justgiving.com/softaid/eurl.axd/b70c9411233b2448a19d9ee73e111065


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