On 22/10/11 22:09, Alan Bell wrote:
On 22/10/11 15:25, Bruno Girin wrote:
Hi all,

Bletchley Park are currently raising money [1]. From the page: "The investment will enable the restoration of iconic Codebreaking Huts 1, 3 and 6 and create a world-class visitor centre and exhibition in the currently derelict Block C as soon as £1.7 million in match funding has been raised."
a fine cause indeed

A fund raising page has been created for that purpose by Jason Gorman on JustGiving [2] so you can contribute there or directly on the Bletchley Park web site. Another thought I had was: what about creating a Ubuntu UK fund-raising page for that purpose? Is that a silly idea?
a slightly silly idea in general, but actually not entirely silly in this specific situation :). With fundraising things in general it is best to have one official funding route, that makes it easier to see what money is being raised and ensure that it is going to the right place, and do stuff like gift aid tax reclaims and whatnot (which justgiving does seem to handle). Some giving sites may allow you to state your affiliation as you donate so the total for a team can be totted up, this is kind of cool and we could certainly do that. On closer inspection it seems we might be able to do something on the justgiving site though. Starting from the Bletchly page it seems you can create a subpage with all the money going direct to the main charity page http://www.justgiving.com/bletchleypark/Raisemoney

if you want to put together a page that would be great.

I'll think of some words and a reasonable target and will post back here for everybody's approval. It'll probably be good to have the Ubuntu UK logo somewhere too.




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