On Thu, October 27, 2011 12:26, gerry wrote:

>> > On 26 October 2011 10:58, Sarah Chard <sa...@streetentertainers.co.uk>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >         Hi
>> >         my friend who uses Ubuntu and is a keen photographer has
>> >         bought a new camera and is haveing problems with it - she says
>> >
>> >         The camera i am using is the Sony a55 and i can't find any
>> >         photo editor, gimp included that can process the  a55 files.
>> >
>> >         can anyone help?
>> >
>> >         Sarah
>> >
>> >
>> > What format are the images being saved as? If the camera is set to
>> > save images in RAW format then they will need to be processed into
>> > something else such as JPG or TIF She should be able to set  the
>> > camera to save images as JPG etc.
>> > Seoras
>> I suggested this but she needs to save them as RAW files so she gets
>> high quality images and good contrast - apparently saving them as jpegs
>> mean that she may get too much bleaching in certain images.
>> Sarah

>> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 11:27:34 +0100
>> From: mac <ammonius.grammati...@gmx.co.uk>
>> To: UK Ubuntu Talk <ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] sony camers files
>> Message-ID: <4ea7e096.2000...@gmx.co.uk>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> On 26/10/2011 11:06, Alan Pope wrote:
>> > On 26 October 2011 10:58, Sarah Chard<sa...@streetentertainers.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>> >>  The camera i am using is the Sony a55 and i can't find any photo
>> editor,
>> >>  gimp included that can process the  a55 files.
>> >
>> > They're probably RAW files. Gimp has a plugin for that called
>> > "gimp-ufraw" which can be installed via software centre.
>> >
>> > Also there's a package called "rawstudio" which can manipulate RAW
>> files.
>> Not sure the Sony A55 is supported by UFRaw:
>> http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/Cameras.html
>> Looks like you may be able to use it if you install the latest version
>> of dcraw, which UFRaw uses.  See last comment here:
>> http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1037&message=37616086&changemode=1
>> mac
I just started out using raw and I am just using ufraw-batch on the
command line to batch process all raw images into JPEGs, which are of
sufficient quality to be used for general use, e.g. just as a family photo
album, no professional stuff.

This way, if I like the look of some of them and think I could do
something better with this one or that one, I know I have a RAW version of
it available.

The problem I am thinking about is how to best manage storage of RAW and
JPEG... should I keep them all? Should I bin the RAWs after viewing the
JPEGs and deciding not to do anything with them, but then risk at a later
date wishing I hadn't binned the RAWs... can't keep everything I
suppose... I have many Gb of photos just in JPEG. If I start duplicating
every one with a RAW as well, I would need far too much storage space I


Thanks and regards,

Jon Reynolds


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