Thanks for the suggestions:

>Maybe rename your .pulse folder (if there is one) to see if it works? 
>If not, rename it back.

Tried this & a new folder is generated but still doesn't work :(

>Have you run 

Looked at this & as far as I can see nothing's muted etc. Also looked at the 
pulseaudio utility. The meters move when something plays and the application 
playing the file is correctly identified but no actual sound!

not the run 'killall pulseaudio' restart any audio apps then test. If 
that worked, >pulseaudio needs reconfiguring or removing

No luck here either.
>Remove sound card, boot, shutdown, add soundcard, boot, test.

Presume you mean physicaly remove the soundcard. It was quite a struggle to fit 
so I'm a little reluctant to mess with it and risk damaging it.

Looking increasingly likely I'm going to end up having to reinstall. A shame 
really since it's only sound that's the problem. That's life!


Only other things I would do is a full system update. Remove sound card, boot, 
shutdown, add soundcard, boot, test.


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