Its not down to your Tosh as such as my computer is a HP Pavilion desktop with 2GB ram.

More likely to be a Unity 3D problem. I had crashes in 11.04 but they have become more frequent in 11.10.

    I assumed that the issues with the upgrade had caused a problem so
    did a
    full install. The machine crashed again two days later. Also
    Firefox was
    crashing to the desktop several times a day. I have now downgraded to
    Unity 2D and everything is stable.

    My non-techie test subject (the wife) has two things that she dislikes
    about Unity:
    1. The small vertical scroll device is fiddly, especially when using a
    touch pad.
    2. The launcher is too quick to jump out when you go to select
    things in
    the top left hand corner of an application, for example the 'Back
    on Firefox. This, again, is a particular problem when using a
    touch pad
    as it is generally less accurate and over shoots are more likely.
    needs to be a buffer zone between the left hand edge of a 'full
    application window and the left hand edge of the display screen.

    Barry T

    -- <>

Lenovo (G-something or other) has similar problems - Firefox and Libre Office endlessly crashing, launcher in the way etc.

Additionally, I've got some kind of compressed RAM partitions installed by Oneiric (I presume) which gparted can't see (so you can't just get rid of them prior to reinstallation) but which seem to prevent installation of any system capable of recognising them (which seems to be kernel 3.0 upwards but I'm only guessing) unless you wipe the entire HD. This is extremely annoying if you have your /home on a separate partition. The Ubuntu partitioner can see them but, apparently, not remove them. I had to obliterate home and allow the Ubuntu installer to use the whole disk. Otherwise the installer crashes - both Oneiric and Bodhi.

No, I haven't filed a bug report because I don't feel like breaking my system in order to reproduce it and don't have time to get to the bottom of it . . . maybe over the xmas break I'll look into it.



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