On 10/12/11 21:51, Mark Fraser wrote:

On Saturday 10 Dec 2011 12:06:38 Barry Titterton wrote:

> I am unable to open or import PDF files in LibreOffice on 11.10. Can

> someone else with 11.10 please tell me if they have the same problem?


> Last week my wife needed to import three PDF files into a Writer

> document as images. Open Office on 10.04 did two files without a problem

> but struggled with the third.

Have you tried installing the package libreoffice-pdfimport?

Yes, that's the one I installed recently and it can import PDF files into Draw on 11.10. Results vary in quality and you may have to restart LibO for it to get activated. Otherwise, open the software centre, find the LibreOffice meta-package, go to info and you will see that at the bottom of the add-ons list, there is a PS and PDF converter. I haven't tried that one so don't know how well it works.




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