On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Alan Pope <alan.p...@canonical.com> wrote:
> On 23/12/11 01:11, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:
>> Anyone know of any decent, fairly small materials I could print off to
>> put inside the DVD cases?  Like those booklets you typically get in a
>> DVD movie box.
> Have you looked at http://spreadubuntu.org/ - maybe there's something there
> you could use?

I have had a look through there - there's some good stuff, but nothing
that I had in mind... having said that, I suppose a small leaflet
would work just as well in this instance.

>> I'm also open for critique on the DVD wrap.  I haven't printed them
>> yet, so there's still time! :D
> 1. We don't use the strapline 'Linux for Human Beings' anymore.
> 2. The Ubuntu 'Circle of friends' on the spine is the old multi-coloured
> one. It should be consistent with the one on the front of the sleeve. It
> also has 'Ubuntu' in a different font face.
> I'm also less convinced of the use of the QR code on the front. Personally
> I've never used one for anything other than proving they work. I am pretty
> sure most normal people don't use them either. It's just a big ugly block of
> stuff in the corner of the sleeve when you already have a URL on the back.
> But that's just a personal opinion :)
> Cheers,
> Al.

1. Is there a new strapline, or has the concept been dropped completely?
2. Thanks. I'm updating it now with the official stuff from Canonical.

I have to admit, I did like the idea of the QR code, but having now
put it into action it does look a little odd.  I can appreciate their
uses in situations where the user cannot necessarily "take it away
with them", but this is not the case in this scenario.  That, and it
does detract from the (IMO) awesome ocelot on the front.

Grant. :)


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