On 24/03/12 11:58, Barry Drake wrote:
On 24/03/12 01:38, Liam Proven wrote:
However, I do think that Unity in general is not /nearly/ as
customisable as Linux users tend to be used to.

At the moment, yes. When Unity first came out I was disappointed to
discover that it was not based on simple text conf files as is usual in
gnu/linux. Things are moving though.
shows use of a python class library to take much of the pain out of lens
scripting. It won't be long before somebody comes up with a gui ide that
builds a lens using drag-n-drop or similar. It's the kind of thing I'd
have tackled myself when I was younger.

I'm prepared to wait - Unity is perfectly usable as is - and that
doesn't seem to be the case with Windows 8 according to all the reports.

Regards, Barry.

Having come relatively late to Ubuntu (8.10) I have become used to the customizeabilty of GNOME, and I don't want slag off many peoples hard work, but Unity as it stands is not for me (everything must change, and hopefully get better) but I do feel that it is going down the Windows route of 'this is how it is like it or lump it! To me this is not the LINUX way.

A friend of mine has just discovered 'Ultimate OS' a *buntu fork with a choice of de's built in, this looks very good and if choice is continued to be taken away from me then I will have will have to explore alternate options myself!

This is not an easy decision for me as I have been shouting the virtues of Ubuntu from the metaphorical hilltops since I first stumbled across it, but if pushed will also shout about how let down I feel by the dev's.

It is about personal choice but Unity is not mine! Xubuntu here I come!



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