On 23/04/12 20:36, Barry Drake wrote:
On 23/04/12 18:37, Pete Smout wrote:
Ubuntu will not install on any of the 3 machines tried on so far! Gets
as far as asking for user name / psswd and then says error! tried 2
different downloads so I think its the system not the .iso image

Does it run OK from the live-CD? It's worth trying this. You would not
be asked for user name/password until it was ready to install on the
host machine, and then it would only stop with some sort of message that
would tell you what is wrong - not just 'error' - are you saying it
hangs after you have given it a username and password to use in the new
installation? I just wonder if the existing partitioning or something is
getting in the way?

I've been running it on my desktop since Alpha 1 and I'm delighted with
it. Unity is fantastic on a desktop once you are used to it. My wife
still has 10.04 on her machine and I really find it hard going when I
have to use it. I've now installed 12.04 on my netbook and again am
delighted with it. I will be very surprised if there isn't something
simple getting in the way of your install.

I really hope we can help you to sort it. Can you get into the
commandline and tell anything from there while you are trying to install?

Regards, Barry.


Thanks for the offers of help, but I am now resigned to waiting a week or two for the 'official release' and I am sure Unity has improved since my last encounter (11.04) and although I am not writing it off as a UI (or DE) it will have to be fantastic to fully convert me.

It does seem strange that Xubuntu installs first time with no errors (did have a crash report earlier, but didn't effect me, must have been a background thing) where as the Ubuntu Beta 2 with basically the same installer did not.

For info it was not the daily build as I have tried these before with no success. Nor did I try the live desktop as I have enough machines / hard drives to just install and play around with it so I went straight for the install as I have many times before.

I do as a matter of course check the MD5sum (as K3b displays it when loading the .iso image and it only takes 2 mins)

If in a week or so when I get around to trying it again I still have issues I will pay more attention to the error message and (after googleing) I shall ask the many helpful readers of this list for help!




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