hopefully this is not something that has come up.

Short: how do I get that when my user closes it also makes drives that were 
(are) mounted availble for other users to mount?

My long story:
I noticed something yesterday on ubuntu 12.04. My wife mounted our windows 
drive on her user account she then closed her account(closed not switched) and 
I open mine and I could not see the windows drive. I switched and opened my 
wife's account  and found the drive mounted automatically. I select "unmount 
safely" and colse the user (my wife's) and go back to mine. And there i see the 
drive: unmounted. 

When i say "see" the drive I mean on the file manager: i have not checked for 
mouning commands on terminal.
Most of the help i have "duck"ed for related to having drives automatically 
mounted at start up.  

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