On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 07:42:01 +0100
alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com> wrote:

> I can see many evenings "playing" coming up.

Great that your customer took the time to send some feedback.

Thanks to advice on this mailing list, I've just found out how easy it is to 
image the whole of a hard drive including the mbr using the Clonezilla boot 
ISO. I now have tested restore images of both the original state of the hard 
drive and my basic Ubuntu installation.


Just an idea in case the 'playing' results in some breakage or he/she wants to 
sell the laptop in its factory state a year or two down the road.

I found that Clonezilla boots fine off an old 512Mb usb stick made from the iso 
file using unetbootin 

Keith Burnett


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